Mittwoch, 25. August 2010

"small ink tree" - blown by my breath

Sick of drawing? Looking for some inspiration? What about doing a new experiment. Blob a drop of ink on a sheet of paper and start to blow it across the paper till you like what you see. Try to change directions turning the paper or change the pressure and the angle from which you are blowing to add new branches.

Are we done here? Of course not! As you can see the picture below there`s a lot more possible than painting/ blowing simple trees. You can combine different techniques, like colorizing the picture by using india ink and many more.

This example shows a combination of these techniques. It`s painted in tempera and india ink and in the end I used this "blow me away"- technique to add a little bit visual grip.

I hope you like it. May be you`re the next one blowing away your ink jerry cans. So, get started!

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