Dienstag, 9. November 2010

Fast Sketch of a face

pencil on paper
This is the face of Öcalan. I saw a documentation about turkish politics and was doing a few sketches alongside. Note that the face consists of quite rough shading. Visible shading can enhance the look of a picture drastically.

pencil on paper

Lady in a long dress

pencil on paper

Montag, 8. November 2010

This happens...

when you try to paint like Francis Bacon and Caravaggio at one time. It`s up to you to decide which one should be the Italian and which one the English.

india ink on paper

Pleasure is the only intrinsic good!

At least this dude beliefs it. He seems to be a local member of the town hedonist club.....sorry, I`m kidding. This is just a very tiny ball pen drawing I scaled a bit bigger to scare readers of my blog not to become what he seems to be.


Illustrator - File drawn with my mouse. I never managed to use a graphics tablet. There`s all the time weird shit with lengths of lines going on. May be I`m to stupid for this.

Fast drawn Illustrator-File-Face

The best way to do it is to close or at least squint your eyes and try to draw what you remember. I think to draw like this should be based on a feeling rather than trying to remember a detail, color or light setting.